首先,你要找到一家合法的移民律师事务所帮你办理(一般律所都会帮你搞定),他们会给你一些表格叫你填好,然后会帮你准备以下这些资料。 1.I-130 Form (你的直系亲属用) 2.Fiancee EAD application (如果你的未婚夫是绿卡持有者) 3.DS-230 Form, including your photo ID page and all supporting documents (你的DS230表格)
4.The Affidavit of Support from USCIS Form I-864 (由担保人签署的担保表)5.Your Birth certificate, or Certificate of Citizenship/Naturalization (你本人的出生证明) 6.Marriage license obtained in the jurisdiction where you were married 如果你们是在美国境内结婚的,那么你们必须取得婚约和结婚证,这个要找当地的政府机构来开,比如你在加州结婚就要去找当地法院开具。如果你们是海外结婚的就可以省略这一步了(当然你也可以开个证明什么的,证明自己确实已经结婚了) 7.Photographs of each spouse with a white background taken within the last six months, showing both full face and profile. Each photograph must be signed by the photographer on the back.照片,最好有正面照、侧面照还有两人在一起的。因为有时候签证官会怀疑你俩的关系,所以最好能证明自己确实已经在国外结过婚了 8.All previous immigration and nonimmigration visas issued to either fiancee or spouse if applicable.所有前一次签证的记录
9.Proof that each is legally able to marry, such as divorce decree or death certificates for divorced/widowed spouses. 你和对方都有无犯罪记录证明,单身证明等
10.Documentation showing financial support, such as tax returns of at least two years’ duration plus current year’s estimated income statements, W-2 forms etc (财务证明),主要是你的工作证明收入证明之类的,包括最近两年的税单+一年的预估收入报表,W-2等等...