

2018.9.14 更新 最近看到几个新案例,和大家分享一下 Darryl Vance and Karl LaPan, two men with a history of violence against women who went on in April to gun down four people, including two young girls attending an Easter breakfast at a church in London, Ontario, were found not criminally responsible because they had been using methamphetamine extensively before the killings. It was noted that Mr.Vance’s use of drugs began when he was nine years old, but it has also been established that his “extensive” drug use did not begin until several weeks prior to the murders. The Crown appealed this decision arguing that both defendants should be held liable for their actions. A three-judge panel unanimously ruled last week that the trial judge should have allowed evidence about the defendants’ extensive drug use as relevant to whether or not there was a basis in fact to conclude the men were suffering from a mental disorder that rendered them incapable of appreciating the nature and quality of the act or that what they were doing was wrong at the time they committed the acts; the appeal court also agreed that while these offences are serious ones, neither man could possibly assist in identifying ways the criminal law might be changed, either now or in the future,so the question of whether or not to allow the defendants more time off prison is one solely for the parole board to decide rather than for judges at sentencing;in other words,they will serve out their full sentences but will become eligible for day parole after six months and full parole after eighteen months.

Another case involves Robert Barjani,a former soldier convicted of first degree murder for stabbing to death Constable Doug Larche near Orillia, Ontaro in Februaryof 1976.Last June an Ontario Court of Appeal judge upheld a lower court ruling which decided that a request by the Parole Board of Canada asking him to explain why he should not receive a lifetime ban from receiving day parole should proceed based on the presumption that he is mentally competent enough to make decisions related to such matters. That means if he does not offer up any reason why he shouldn’t face life behind bars without even having considered the


先说一下,本人在加拿大生活过一段时间,对加美两国有一定了解; 首先,持枪合法与否取决于你是否有持枪证(有)或是否满足其它条件(无),但不管是哪种情况都要通过相关程序去申请并得到许可证后才能持有枪支。 我曾在多伦多居住了13年,期间也参加过很多本地组织的枪会活动,当时也有很多人是第一次接触枪械的,所以感觉这些新手们还是很认真的,不会乱来或者开什么玩笑之类的。当然,我也见到过很多老手和枪友,不过他们一般也不会随便拿新手的枪来做恶作剧之类的事情吧.... 我自己也不是经常摸枪,最多也就一年一两次这样吧,而且都是自己一个人去找地方练枪法。个人觉得如果是在一个没有人的野外空旷的地方练习射击还是蛮好玩的,但是在市区里面开枪打靶是很不合适的。
