

4个部分 每个部分5-8个问题 不确定,因为不知道题库 建议考鸭们提前准备好Part1的问题回答,毕竟都是日常问答,多准备一些答案是没有错的! 这里我主要讲一下Part2和Part3,这两个环节是考官会根据你之前的回答来继续追问问题或者给你新的问题。

首先我们来看Part2的试题样例: 这是一道描述自己喜爱的电视节目类题目,回答这种类问题的关键就在于要告诉考官这个节目为什么吸引人,吸引人的点在哪里。很多烤鸭回答这个问题的时候往往只说这个节目的名称是什么以及它有多长时间这些客观性的问题就完事。这样答肯定是不行的哦~

那么应该如何答呢? 首先应该说明为什么你喜欢这个节目(理由) 因为...所以我很喜欢这个节目。 然后可以稍微介绍下这个节目(背景知识) 这个节目是我最喜欢的脱口秀节目之一,每期都会请不同的嘉宾来做访谈,讨论的话题都很有意思,而且每一期都有笑料,但让我觉得最有趣的是…. 最后可以总结(升华主题) 所以,在我看来.... 是不是看起来简单多了~接下来我们看看一道实际的雅思口语试题: Describe an occasion when you felt excited about sth and the excitement grew out of nothing 注意这道题是和上面那道题差不多的类型,答题的关键也是要强调细节之处。

例如你可以这样说: “It was a hot summer night in Beijing and I had just finished watching this American film called ‘Inception’ on my computer screen at home. The Internet connection wasn’t so good and every once in a while it would freeze for a second or two, but other than these minor glitches it was pretty good.” “I couldn’t sleep right away because there were too many things running through my mind: what happened in that last scene, why did the main protagonist act the way she did…you know, typical stuff that keeps me up at night before a big exam! So I decided to do something about it——I took a notebook and started writing down everything I could remember from the movie——the plot, some of the lines, your thoughts after you watched it etc. This made me feel a bit more productive, as if this would somehow help me recover the ‘enjoyment’ that was supposedly missing.”
