

1. 短期商务签证(Short Business Visit Visa),又称为访问者签证或访客签证。它允许申请者进行短期商业、旅游和探亲访友活动。该类别还包括结婚签证以及陪读家长签证(Parent of a Student visa) 2. 学生签证(Student Visa )3. 儿童学生签证 (Child Student Visa)4. 儿童学生访问签证 (Child Visitor to Study in the UK visa)5. 成人学生访问签证 (Adult Visitor to study in the UK as an Exchange Visitor visa)6. 国际毕业生工作许可 (International Post-study Work Permit, Tiers 1, Tier 2 and Tier 4 visas and permits)7. 配偶和工作签证8. 儿童监护人签证/护照9. 家属移民签证10. 永久居留申请(permanent residence application, formerly known as "indefinite leave to remain") 这些类别中除了学生签证外都是visa not tier。它们可以一起被称为visit visas or visitor visas。

不同种类的Visit Visas之间最主要的区别是持有者在进入英国的次数、逗留时间长短及是否可以工作的限制上有所不同。

另外值得一提的是,Tier 1 和Tier 2 的某些情况需要办理入境许可证,即Immigration Biometric Residence Permits;不过对于来英学习的学生而言,不需要再额外申请入境许可了。

所有的visit visas都需要在申请前获得批准,申请人必须亲自到指定的签证中心递交申请材料,而且必须在申请时提供资金证明。有些情况下也需要参加面试。一般来说,如果申请人符合所有要求并且没有受到任何阻碍的话,签证申请会在三个月内得到答复;但是如果有任何问题被移民局发现的话就会被拒绝或者推迟处理,具体取决于情况的严重性。 如果被拒签,那么申请人可以在六个月后再次提出申请。


一、短期商务签证(short business visit visa) This is for anyone coming into Britain on short trips, either alone or accompanied by family members, for specific purposes such as: Visiting friends & relatives Going skiing Visiting art galleries Travelling between airports Traveling within Europe for work or study A very limited number of people will qualify with only two reasons: visiting friends and relations, if they are British citizens or have settled status,or going skiing. You do need to apply outside the EU. There has been no change recently although it remains true that some countries may require you to be resident there, but these usually give more details than the Home Office website which gives misleading information sometimes. Some businesses use this category rather than tourist when sending executives abroad temporarily as part of their job role though often they get other immigration advice about long term settlement issues too e.g. after three years here, where can I live etc? In any case this is really only intended for individuals who come once or twice at most and then go home again immediately afterwards without staying permanently. If we think your trip would take


1. 留学签证(Tier4),即你以学生身份去英国的签证; 2. 工作签证(Skilled Worker),一般分为两类,一类是申请人已经有一定的工作经验了并且符合移民要求申请工作签证;另一类是本科以上学位的毕业生通过PSW 来获得工作签证; PSW 是 Post Study Work Visa 的简称,它是英国政府于 2009 年 9 月首次推出的,旨在让拥有学士、硕士或博士学位的外国留学生在毕业之后留英寻找工作的机会。它允许留学生在英国停留的时间长达两年。不过 PSW 是有条件的,只有毕业生才可申请,而且只能从事与专业相关的技术性工作。但即使您没有达到上述的条件也能办理 Skilled Worker visa,具体取决于所申请的职位以及工作经验。

3. 创业签证(Start-up),如果你打算到英国创办自己的公司的话就可以申请此签证,这个签证对申请者本身及公司的具体要求都很高哦! 还有其他的签证类型我就不一一列举了,欢迎咨询~
