

Acadia is a small but beautiful campus with amazing faculty and staff. I'm going to be the first one to admit that our university has it's flaws, we are working on them everyday as we grow. But what makes Acadia special is how much you will learn outside of the classroom from your professors and peers about life, philosophy, love, etc. You will leave this university knowing that you can change the world and equipped with the tools to do so.

I have never been more inspired in my entire life than when I was at acadia. The professors pushed me to think harder and deeper than i ever had before. My classmates were some of my closest friends who i know are still my friends today. Everyone looks out for everyone else no matter where you stand academically or personally. No one will judge you if you are struggling. Professors will help you with homework or studies even once you are gone. We are all here because we share something important in common - we want to make the world a better place.

If any of that sounds good to you then come visit us on our beautiful campus in Nova Scotia!


本人2019年入学 学习的是金融与经济这个专业 ,个人感觉这个学校是真的很棒! 学校的地理位置在蒙特利尔市中心的位置,交通非常便利,并且校园很大也很漂亮(我非常喜欢我的宿舍),学习氛围也不错。最重要的是它的教学质量很高 。 虽然我在读的时候疫情没有爆发 但是我还是希望疫情早一点结束 我希望能回到正常的校园生活 因为现在网课实在是太烦了。。。
