1. 多选题的评分标准跟选择题一样,每题答对得一分,答错不得分。 2. 多选题的正确答案个数没有限制,即使答对一个也不扣分,所以千万不要空着!
3. 部分的多选题有答案选项的顺序要求,要遵循题目要求的顺序作答。但注意不要漏掉答案(尤其是A和B) 举个例子: Question:When and where was the Titanic built? Answer: In 1907, the largest ship in the world was launched at a ceremony on May 31st, in Belfast's Harland & Wolf shipyard. It was to be named RMS Titantic, but some early printed materials refer to it as "The Olympic of the North", an allusion to her sister vesselRMS Olympian which had been built for the same company almost two decades earlier. The liner was not completely ready until April 1912, seven months before she was due to make her maiden voyage, and she did not leave port on that journey until four days after her launch, when she crossed the Atlantic to New York. 考生答对了三个答案,故得分:1+2+2=5 若只答对两个答案,则得分:1+2=3 若只答对其中一个答案,则得分:1 注意:如果四个答案都正确的话,那这道题的得分就是4;如果四个答案都是正确的,这道题的得分是8。