

英国 2021 年硕士留学费用汇总!(附学校排名、专业排名) 英国一直是国内学生申请海外研究生的热门选择,除了可以享受世界一流的教学之外,其学费也相对亲民。下面就让小编为大家介绍一下英硕的花费情况~


1.住宿费用 一般情况下,在寄宿家庭里住宿会比在学校宿舍里住宿花销要高一些,但是会在生活习惯上得到很大的改善。根据学校的不同,住宿的价格也会有相应的差距。以剑桥大学为例,在校外寄宿家庭的住宿费约为350-460英镑/人·周。而在学校宿舍内住宿的费用则为179英镑/人·周。

2.伙食费用 自己做饭能节省不少支出哦。在英国买食材的成本还是挺贵的,如果经常下馆子的话,吃住加在一起,平均下来100英镑/人·周的预算可不够。如果自己做饭的话,节约一点,50英镑/人·周就能搞定。

二、留学花费之学杂费 以商科为例:一般需要支付30-50英镑/人·天的学费;理工科会相对便宜一点点,但每年也要花费25-40英镑/人·天。如果是医科生,那么学费就会贵很多了,每年需要50-80英镑/人·天。

三、留学花费之交通费 四、留学花费之其他费用 在英国读书还会有一些其他的费用,比如办理签证、雅思考试的报名费以及护照等。 五、推荐院校清单及费用 以上就是为大家整理的英硕费用攻略啦~ 当然,具体的花费还是要因人而异呢,因为每个人的消费水平是不同的。另外,还要看同学们选择的城市和学校,像伦敦这样的超大城市和苏格兰高地的学校开支自然是没法比的。不过,大家不用担心,一般英国学校的录取通知书中都会为同学们估算好学费+生活费的大概金额,以此来作为留学预算的规划,同学们可以参照一下。


本人,PhD. from top 20 school (UW) in the U.S. My tuition was waived and I paid just a few thousand dollars per year for on-campus housing, health insurance premiums etcetera so it depends on your funding but at least my cost of living is very low as well. In Europe where PhDs are more common there’s free university education too, although that doesn’t mean you won't pay anything out of pocket to travel back home every now and then and do summer conferences with other fellow students because they might need an airplane ticket too! The only thing I don’t mind paying extra when I can afford it is research costs like conference registrations and traveling expenses – these were never much either way since our program didn't have any mandatory field trips or international meetings!

My advice: be honest about what kind of opportunities will be best for you in order to make sure you get a realistic estimate if you think this may work financially for you; ask potential advisers how likely their department would approve applications, given the fact that some fields/departments prefer candidates from certain universities than others. Good luck! (I am not affiliated with anyone who asked me to answer here honestly)
