

Oxford has a total of 54 academic departments under its Faculty of Arts, covering the humanities and social sciences. In addition to these 54 departments, Oxford also offers interdisciplinary programmes in Global Health, Human Rights, Social Policy, and Biodiversity. 在艺术人文科学院下面总共是有54个系,涉及到人文社科领域。除了这54个系之外,牛津也提供了跨学科的课题,比如全球健康、人权、社会政策以及生物多样性等。 The university's most popular degree subject is Economics with more than 100 students graduating each year。最受学生欢迎的学科是经济学,每年有超过100名学生获得该专业的学位。 Engineering, Maths and Physical Sciences are the next most popular, with around 30 graduates from each department each year。然后是工程学、数学和物理科学,这些科目的每年毕业生大概在30人左右。 A number of courses have low numbers of students, meaning that it will be harder for you to get onto some subjects。有些课的招生人数少,意味着你要申请那些课程可能会有难度。 For example, there were only five graduates with first-class degrees in Ancient history this year, compared to nearly 200 who received top grades in Economics。例如今年只有五个学生获得了古代史的一等荣誉学位,相比之下却有近200个学生在经济学专业获得了最高荣誉。

The lowest number of first-class honours went to students taking Philosophy and Psychology(8), followed by PPE and History(9)。获得最低数量的一等奖的学生主修哲学与心理学(8) ,然后才是哲学、政治和经济(9)以及历史。

If your chosen course isn't listed above, check whether it belongs to another faculty – for example, English Language and Literatures is part of the Department of Linguistics-----
